Nature Classes/Field Trips & Workshop Currently Updating for Fall 2019

January 08, 2014  •  Leave a Comment


Workshop in Yellowstone - 28 May to 2 June 2018

Six days in Yellowstone National Park: 2 days at Mammoth Hot Springs, 2 days at Canyon & 2 days at Old Faithful

Maximum participants 8, one spot still available. Details available upon request.

Workshop at Oatlands Plantation spring 2018

Oatlands Photography Workshop:  Photographic opportunities abound on the grounds and extensive gardens of the historic Oatlands Plantation located just a few miles west of Leesburg on route 15. Participants will meet at the Carriage House and spend the next four hours photographing this unique and highly photographic landmark and all its wonders. There are gardens (four acres), the greenhouse, old barns and the mansion that was built in 1805 by George Carter I. Date: Saturday TBA (rain date TBA). Time: 7:00 am to 11:00AM. Cost: $50 (includes $12 admission). Maximum participants: 10. Call: 703-777-3174 ext. 103 to register.

Class Offerings & Descriptions 

(spring) 2018 Sessions:  New location under negotiations)

  • Digital Camera Photography: The Basics -  Offered spring, summer and fall. Starting Date:  (TBD) (5 two hour sessions) Basic photography for the SLR. Lean how to master the features of your camera and work with off automatic. Learn how to manipulate shutter priority, aperture priority, ISO, White Balance and much more.
  • Outdoor Photography: Photographing the Natural World - Intermediate & Beyond: Offered spring & fall . (Includes 4 two hour classroom sessions and two Saturday morning field trips to local areas. Starting Date: (TBD):  Intermediate and Beyond - Develop your skills and eye for landscape, wildlife, macro and more. We will learn in the classroom and practice on several Saturday morning field tips to nearby natural or wildlife areas with further instructions in the field. It is time to see why early morning light is called golden light. There are four classroom sessions and two field trips
  • Flower and Garden Photography - Intermediate & beyond: Offered in spring only. (includes 3 two hour classroom sessions and a Saturday morning field trip to a local area. Intermediate and Beyond -  Start Date: spring 2018: Date TBD.  Learn to take better pictures of flowers and gardens. Learn how to manipulate backgrounds, get extra close to the flower, mix light sources for better close up images and more. We learn techniques and some composition in the classroom settings and put it all together on a Saturday morning field trip to a local garden park.
  • Photographing Waterfalls and Flowing Waters - Intermediate and Beyond: A fall class only: Starting Date: (TBD)This class will develop your ability to photograph water in a forest setting. There will be a short classroom session to learn some of the basic techniques involving shutter speed control, aperture control and the use of special filters followed by a Saturday morning field trip to fast flowing stream in Fairfax County. The post field trip session will be for iimage presentations. Field trip scheduled for Sat morning (will be rescheduled in event of rain). 
  • Composition, Creativity, and the Camera - Intermediate and Beyond: Early spring and late fall class: Starting Date: TBA for Jan 2018 Intermediate and Beyond - Develop your eye for creativity and put skill to work in the classroom using a variety of props, lighting sources, background materials for design and creative images. A variety of table top settings are provided for this shooting laboratory. We will make use of both the familiar and unusual subjects.
  • SLR Photography: Building on the Basics - Intermediate & Beyond: Offered spring only: Includes 4 two hour sessions and one local Saturday morning field trip. Dates to be determined. Intermediate & Beyond - Designed for those who are already familiar with their camera and wish to make use of the more technical features of their cameras especially for greater creativity before post processing in the computer. A Saturday morning Field trip will pull all the techniques together from the classroom.  There are four classroom sessions and one field trip.

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